Chronicles of Elyria Wiki

This game is currently in development. There is no download or playable content. All information is based Developer Journals, the Kickstarter, and community discussions with developers.


Chronicles of Elyria Wiki
This article pertains to an area of the game which is currently in development. The information presented here is incomplete, and will be updated as more information becomes publicly available.

To'resk concept art
A male and female To'resk in their native environment
Tropical Wetland (Freshwater), Woodland Savannah, Tidal Marsh
Avg. Height
157 cm (5 ft. 1.8 in.)
Avg. Weight
56.7 kg (125 lb.) to 68.04 kg (150 lb.)
Skin Tone
Hair Colors
Black or dark brown
Eye Colors
Croçais, Neran, Jenu
Tribal Traits
  • Water WellnessTo'resk have strong resistance against water exposure, and can remain in water much longer than other tribes before suffering ill effects.
  • Sun ExposureTo'resk can handle extended exposure to direct sunlight better than most other tribes, and burn more slowly in the sun.
  • Leather SkinTheir thick skin grants the To'resk resistance against infections.
  • Wet LungTo'resk are accustomed to living in a very humid environment, and as such, lose some of their resistances and fatigue more quickly in more arid biomes.
Tribal Relations

The To'resk (/tɔɹˈɛsk/ tor-ESK (ListenIcon listen)) are one of the twelve Tribes of Elyria, and are found natively in the the Tropical Wetland (Freshwater), Woodland Savannah, and Tidal Marsh biomes.[1] The To'resk are slightly below average stature, at 157cm tall, with an average build.[2]

Biology & Nature[ | ]

Character Silhouette To'resk

Concept art showing the To'resk's physical build

The To'resk are one of the shorter tribes standing about 5'2" (157cm) tall and range between 125 and 150 lbs. They are shorter than the Waerd, but taller than the Hrothi and tend to be fit without excess fat or muscle. The To'resk have medium-toned skin with black eyes and either black or dark-brown hair. The To'resk have striking facial features with strong brows, angular cheekbones, distinct noses, and pointed, razor-sharp teeth capable of biting through tough leathers, shells, and scales. The To'resk are patient, calculating, and strong-willed. They are strong communicators and negotiators and virtually impossible to manipulate or fool. The To'resk are resistant to water exposure, sun exposure and infection, but tire quickly and lose their resistances in arid and dry environments.[3]

Attributes & Traits[ | ]

To be completed.

Environment & Resources[ | ]

The tropical (freshwater) wetlands have been the home of the To'resk for as long as anyone can remember. While sinkholes are an environmental hazard, and drought and flood are periodic concerns, the nature of the wetlands leads to an environment which is rich in cultivatable land for both wet and dry agriculture. The To'resk, all too familiar with the changing nature of the wetlands, have learned to capitalize on the diversity found in their biome by utilizing fully-submerged, partially-submerged, and fully-emergent land to create either farmable land plots or wetland plots for aquaculture and aqua-farming. When not cultivating food, it's also possible for To'resk hunters to hunt for wild game using traps and snares or, when necessary, through the use of small throwing weapons, slings, and slingshots.

In addition to the food provided by the wetlands, they also afford the To'resk a measure of safety, as the uneven and moist ground is difficult to travel through, and virtually impossible to bring large siege equipment across. This has resulted in the To'resk being largely left alone over the millennia, allowing them to build a society rich in culture and trade.

Food[ | ]

  1. Cultivated Vegetation
    1. Rice
    2. Taro
    3. Roots
    4. Macrophytes
    5. Algae
    6. Cranberries
  2. Meat (Herbivores, Invertebrates)
    1. Fish
    2. Fowl
    3. Goats
    4. Swine

Clothing[ | ]

Concept Clothes To'resk

Tribal Clothing Concept: To'resk [4]

  1. Plants
  2. Animal Skin

Armor[ | ]

Tools[ | ]

  1. Wood
  2. Bone
  3. Turtle Shells
  4. Fibers

Containers[ | ]

  1. Clay
  2. Mud
  3. Plant Woven Baskets
  4. Turtle Shells

Housing[ | ]

  1. Stilted Housing
  2. Rice-paper
  3. Wood
  4. Vegetation
  5. Mud/Clay

Architecture[ | ]

The building materials in the wetlands include softwoods, fibers, clays, and muds. Because the To'resk must deal with high water, alligators, and boar, stilted houses just makes sense. Sturdy, wide timber is rare so most choose to create thatched or wattle and daub structures on a deck of branches. Among the affluent, imported hardwoods allow for more sturdy structures but, even in the absence of superior lumber, enjoy a style of parquetry and wood joint techniques that create broad and strong boards for building. It is exceptionally time consuming and takes great craftsmanship - perfect for the patient To'resk - and features mesmerizing geometric patterns as a result. Rice paper is also commonly used among all social classes as a cheap and simple way to keep the rain out and provide privacy.

History & Lore[ | ]

History[ | ]

The To'resk have a long, troubled history. By all accounts, the To'resk have existed in the wetlands since before they were wetlands. Once simple agricultural farmers, the To'resk have seen the gradual rise of water levels along their domains and have watched as the amount of usable land has diminished and been replaced by a constant expansion and contraction of marshland. This has necessitated a change in their survival and the To'resk have adapted to a lifestyle that is part agriculture and part aquaculture. While the gradual expansion of the waterways would have been enough to drive out most civilizations, the To'resk are a resolute people and, for reasons not entirely understood, they have chosen to remain in their native lands. But this has not come without loss. The unpredictable nature of the wetlands - periodically presented with floods, droughts, hurricanes, and territorial predators - has caused no small number of To'resk to perish over the years due to starvation, dehydration, or exhaustion.

In spite of that, the To'resk value a peoples' ability to persevere and pick themselves up by their boot straps. That's why when the Unstriped Janoa came broken and abandoned to their doorstep, the To'resk took pity on them and gave them shelter from their personal storm. At first, they were welcomed and began to integrate with the To'resk society. They were given small, non-optimal plots of land with a larger ratio of deep water in which to begin aqua-farming and to make a life for themselves. However, not long after the Unstriped came to the To'resk, the Great Drought struck. This was the longest and most difficult drought in To'resk history. The water levels receded, the rivers dried up, and no rain came to replace it.

The land given to the Unstriped, once deep, dangerous, and largely undesirable by the vast majority of the To'resk, suddenly became the only source of water for their people and necessary for the survival of the To'resk. The To'resk responded by reclaiming some of the waterways that had been given to the Unstriped, and forced the newcomers to live off of the more toxic bogs of the marshlands. In just a short period of time, the Unstriped began to become sick, and those who were unable to live off of the less potable water began to die off from disease. That, combined with limited resources and short allegiances, led the To'resk to ask the Unstriped to leave. The Unstriped, once again treated as second-class citizens, picked up and left the only home they knew, this time headed to the swamps.

Lore[ | ]

To be completed.

Culture[ | ]

The To'resk, owing to the lessons learned from their environment - such as mistaking sinkholes for stable ground and alligator-infested ponds as safe fishing habitats - understand that nothing is as it seems. As a result, the To'resk have developed a profound sense of caution and patience, which is unquestionably their strongest trait. They think and weigh all options before making a decision, all the while reciting the To'reshian mantra of "Observe, Understand, Act." The To'reshian unwillingness to make assumptions and their more calculating, cerebral nature, has given the To'resk a reputation for being excellent negotiators and diplomats.

At the same time, the constant flux of the wetlands, which brings both floods and droughts in equal measure, has made the To'resk a wary and un-trusting people. The inherent unreliability of resources has made the To'resk extremely opportunistic by nature. They say that "each rising tide is an opportunity for success" and believe that everyone and everything is a tool to be used toward their own survival and prosperity. Friendships that exist among the To'resk are almost always made out of personal benefit. But this thirst for stability and a desire to improve one's lot in life is not all negative. Indeed, while they believe firmly in taking care of their own business and enjoy material conquest, they also believe in both tolerance and perseverance. They recognize that one does not always have control over ones own situation, and respect those capable of overcoming adversity.

Along the same lines, while the To'resk are accustomed to the waxing and waning of their environment and have grown adept at adjusting to their situation, they also highly value things which are stable and consistent. As a result, the To'resk are known to impose their own sense of consistency on the world. To that end, the To'resk are a people of manners and ceremony who value highly their reputations, titles, and prestige. Curiously, the To'resk also believe that once a deal has been struck, it can never be broken. This further enhances their role as reliable negotiators and diplomats but shouldn't be overstated. While they value consistency and truthfulness, they don't necessarily value honesty, and the truth they give you may not be the whole truth.

Finally, due to growing up in the muck and mud of the wetlands, combined with their harsh appearance, the To'resk value cleanliness, ornamentation, and fine things over physical appearances. They also have a strong obsession with gold, as it's not only one of the most flexible metals, but it also never rusts - a keen feature when living in the wetlands.

Language[ | ]

Being among the first Tribes of Mann, the To'resk have long had their own native language which we refer to as Croçais. This was their only language until they began to interact with the Janoa and, believing in keeping their friends close and their enemies closer, they quickly taught themselves the Tropical language so they could negotiate and interact with the Janoa on even footing. This served them well as, not only has it allowed them to foster a healthy relationship with the Janoa, but gave them the means to communicate with the Unstriped when they came to live among them shortly before the Great Drought.

More recently, trade between the temperate and tropical regions of the continent has encouraged the To'resk to learn modern Neran, allowing them to act as diplomats and merchants between the tribes of the north and the tribes of the south.

Religion[ | ]

To be completed.

Rituals[ | ]

Every tribe has some specific rituals of either religious or cultural origin that have become part of the tribes' identity.

Tragedy of Mydra[ | ]

For the To’resk, the darkness of the Longest Night and the rising tides that come with it are proof of their origins and validation of their faith. [7]

The To’resk believe that, even now, Mydra seeks her son, To’ran, and the rising waters that come with the long night are evidence of her continued presence and power in Elyria. It’s generally believed that the time, while dangerous, is a necessary and good thing that occurs in the world, as it brings with it opportunities and a renewal and revitalization of the wetlands.

  • The mega-tide often interrupts the usual drought/flood cycle, inundating the wetlands and bringing with it new sources of food and resource.
  • Those animals and creatures of the open sea who find themselves trapped within the wetlands as the tide subsides are not only delicacies to the To’resk, but serve to enrich the muds and soils of the wetlands with an infusion of rich resources that generally ensure a bountiful following year, if not ensure rich harvests from To’resk aquaculture for years to come.

During the time, at the peak of darkest night when the sun is entirely removed from the sky, most To’resk settlements will perform the Tragedy of Mydra and Ne’ran or a variant thereof to remember Mydra’s search for To’ran and the reason for the rising tide. However, other tribes have a slightly darker perspective on the time, choosing to see the darkness as something other than a time to come together in peace and charity.

Entertainment[ | ]

To be completed.

Sociology[ | ]

Economy & Roles[ | ]

  • Occupations related to agriculture
    • Farming
    • Fishing
    • Animal Keeping (Water Buffalo)
    • Hatchery
    • Infrastructure Creators
    • Trappers
  • Mercantilism
    • Trader
    • Merchant
    • Shippers, Transporters
    • Banking, currency, finance?
    • Translators
    • Diplomats
    • Bureaucrats
  • Crafts
    • Trapmakers
    • Shipwrights
    • Basket weaving
    • Architects (Stilt makers)
    • Netting
    • Pottery
    • Transport Creation
    • Hatmaker

Social Classes[ | ]

The To'reshian society is built first and foremost on the caste system created by those who have gained economic and political power. In particular, the greatest power and wealth are held by those who have possession of waterways, land-bridges, and transportation routes throughout the wetlands. In total, the To'reshian society is broken up into the following four social classes:

  • Promotille (Nobility)
  • Industrille (Aristocracy)
  • Mercandille (Gentry)
  • Agradille (Commoners)

The Promotille, or nobility of the To'resk, manage trade routes throughout their lands and provide infrastructure that is most favorable to their citizens and which create more internal opportunities. As a result, most of the Promotille are in possession of the waterways leading in and out of the wetlands, as well as between different sections of the wetlands. The social class of the Promotille is further broken down into the three titled positions of Chancellor (King), Minister (Duke), and Counselor (Count).

The Ministers are responsible for defending the wetlands through diplomacy and must be skilled in negotiation. Their "troops" consist of ambassadors, agents, and appraisers, in addition to a select group of guards and warriors known as the Teeth of the To'resk.

The Counselors are responsible for leveraging the resources provided through trade routes and work to manage a sort of stock market, consisting of trade goods grown internally within the wetlands, as well as brought in from both the north and south of the continent.

Beneath the Promotille are the Industrille. These aristocrats typically manage the individual settlements within the wetlands and work with the Counselors of the Promotille to ensure land is fairly divided and effectively utilized. As To'resk are naturally opportunistic, it is not uncommon for members of the Promotille and Industrille to accept bribes in return for favors. Money talks in To'reshian society, and backroom deals or special exemptions in trade agreements are an accepted part of their society. In addition, many of the Promotille and Industrille work as merchants, diplomats, politicians, and actors, traveling when necessary to engage the other tribes.

Like the Promotille, the Industrille are further divided into Marshals and Mayeurs, with the key difference being that the Mayeurs are typically responsible for settlements internal to the wetlands, and manage people through civil laws, officiating ceremonies - including marriages - and are entrusted with the collection of taxes and resources to be traded by the Counselors.

In contrast, the Marshals are responsible for defending people through controlling land and water routes at key points of natural or forced convergence. Their settlements exists along the borders of the wetlands and are often comprised of vast markets, frequented by Neran, Kypiq, Dras, and Janoa merchants.

Beneath the Industrille are the Mercandille. The Merchandille are made up of the wealthier families and those who have control over any local waterways or emergent land. They typically employ members of the Agradille to work their lands as farmers, fishers, or trappers.

Speaking of the wealthier families, family is yet another important part of To'reshian society. As advancement for the To'resk is often done through mergers and acquisitions of neighboring lands and waterways, marriage has become the cornerstone that holds the To'resk together. It is not uncommon for marriage agreements to accompany endowments of land, transportation routes, access rights, or even access to propriety family knowledge. As a result, the familial bond is held sacred in To'resk society and it is not acceptable to cheat, lie, or steal from the family. The punishments for doing so are harsh. Additionally, families stay close to one another, building up larger settlements which potentially offer increased security, as well as allowing for consolidation of different economic roles such as agriculture and mercantilism.

Leadership[ | ]

To'resk leaders are expected to be successful in business, trusted, reputable, and beyond reproach. They are people that the rest of the tribe can look to in order to ensure their survival and perseverance. As such their leaders are chosen by their reputation, much as the Neran do. In the event that no direct heir exists, a power vacuum is created and peers or underlings of the deceased will be granted Casus Belli based on who has the best reputation among those eligible to fulfill the vacant role.

Education[ | ]

To be completed.

Technology[ | ]

To be completed.

Military[ | ]

To be completed.

World Relations[ | ]

Friendly[ | ]

Neran - While at least superficially friendly with virtually all tribes, the To'resk go out of their way to maintain a strong trade relationship with the Neran. Not only do the Neran present good trade opportunities across the grasslands, but the Neran frequently facilitate trade directly between the To'resk and other tribes of the North, such as helping them procure metals and minerals of the Hrothi, the hard wood of the Brudvir, and the silks and baubles of the Kypiq. It also doesn't hurt having more powerful allies, as their non-existent military makes the To'resk dependent on the virtues and hired swords of the other tribes to lend them a hand. In exchange, the To'resk play a reciprocal role as the Neran in the north, positioning themselves as diplomats and intermediaries between the Neran and the other tribes of the south.

Janoa - The Janoa and To'resk have been long-time allies and, in spite of their differences in religion and culture, share a common language and an affinity for the warm, moist environment of the central and southern tropics. Historically, the Janoa and To'resk have been reliable trading partners, with the To'resk providing access to Maize, grains, cranberries, dyes, and Milk of the Talonreed, in exchange for gold, hardwood, alchemical ingredients, and most importantly, protection from invaders and other hostile parties. Even when not part of a trade agreement, the To'resk frequently employ young, unproven members of the Janoa society as mercenaries or guards of the Promotille or Industrille.

Unfriendly[ | ]

Dras - While not directly hostile, the To'resk have a conflicted history with the Unstriped Janoa who now call themselves the Dras. At least openly, the To'resk give the Dras a fairly wide birth, largely in order to maintain a facade of detachment that helps feed the ego of the Janoa and encourages a stable trade relationship between them and their allies. Privately, trade between the To'resk and Dras is maintained and encouraged, as the Dras prefer to stay inside their swamps and utilize the To'resk as ambassadors and wholesalers. In exchange, The To'resk have negotiated use of the Dras waterways and have passed it off to the rest of the world as protracted border disputes.

The Waerd - The only true enemies of the To'resk are the Waerd. The two tribes are diametrically opposed in almost all things. Where the To'resk prefer diplomacy and mercantilism, the Waerd have no use for words, and prefer action over anything else. Where the To'resk attempt to live in relative harmony with the other tribes, through negotiations and trade agreements, the Waerd stolidly withstand any attempts at negotiation or alliance by the To'resk. This is not without cause. According to the Waerd, where the To'resk rely on ceremony and manners as a faux attempt at stability and consistency, tradition and custom is at the very core of the Waerd. As such, they view the To'resk as pretenders and sycophants. While the Waerd are the very definition of a communal society, the To'reshian virtues of self-preservation and personal and family prosperity, fly in the face of everything the Waerd hold sacred, and they view it as their responsibility to take from the To'resk what has been given to them in order to impart balance. Finally, while the To'resk hold true to their ancestors and continue to uphold their belief in the Qin, The Weard have abandoned their faith in favor of the Two-Fold Queen, and the To'resk find it apropos that desert is the root of deserter.

Character Creation & Playstyle[ | ]

Players have many options to choose from when creating their character. Dependent on their own preferred playstyle, they may prefer one or more tribes and regions over others. In order to assist players in their choice, the main page on tribes provides an overview of the main considerations players may have when making up their mind on the decision which would be the tribe or tribes their character inherited its main genetic traits from. This is presented here: Tribes - Playstyle Considerations. That page also provides an overview of the main physical and mental strengths and weaknesses for all tribes, and more comparative overviews on different aspects. This also helps players to compare the tribes before they choose their characters destiny.

Media[ | ]

References[ | ]