This is the home page of the unofficial namespace belonging to the Chronicles of Elyria Wiki:
This namespace is created to host all wiki pages on counties on the four servers for Chronicles of Elyria. As there are thousands of counties, and counties may grow, merge and dissolve as the game proceeds, the CoE Wiki team felt it would be too impractical to support pages for counties in the Official CoE Wiki itself. Hence this dedicated namespace was created to allow players to create and edit pages for counties. General Wiki rules are applicable for this namespace.
There are also separate namespaces for Settlements, Guilds and Associations.
Pages for Kingdoms and Duchies are included in the Official CoE Wiki domain. For those pages all rules apply as explained in the CoE Wiki Community portal.
User guidelines[]
Page creation[]
County pages are to be created using this namespace as root. For example, a page for a county named Airyle shall have the following url:
- A page can be created by entering "County:Countyname" in the search field of this Wiki, as illustrated in the image below.
- After entering a non-existent page name, the screen will look like the image below.
- After clicking on the red, bold and underlined page name, the page editing screen opens, as illustrated in the image below.
- If desired, the author can decide to use the template for County pages by copy-pasting the contents of the County template page into the newly created page. Template contents is shown when the field "Edit Source" is used. Template and contents are shown in the images below.
Names used for multiple entities[]
Names for county/settlement/guild/association can be used on multiple occasions. So it can happen people who wish to create a page for their county, are confronted with the fact that there already is a page with the same name. An appropriate way to deal with this is to then use 'namespace:name (specifying statement)', with 'specifying statement' ensuring every user sees the page is meant to cover one very specific county. In most cases it will suffice to use the name of the duchy where the county is located. For example, someone wishes to create a page for their county 'Ithilien' in the duchy of 'Gondor' and when trying to create the page finds out there already is a page with that name, but that it refers to the county 'Ithilien' in the duchy of 'Mordor'. The way forward would then be to create a new page with name 'County:Ithilien (Gondor)'. To finish it off properly the creator of the page 'County:Ithilien (Gondor)', could then also move the existing page 'County:Ithilien' to 'County:Ithilien (Mordor). Experienced users may even create proper disambiguation for the visitors of their page.
This page offers an example of how a County page can be filled in using the template: County of Airyle
By default, links to CoE forum threads are used on the official pages for Duchies. Links to county pages created in this namespace domain can be used in addition to the forum thread links.
In the official CoE Wiki, users are held to only refer to official sources from SBS for any content, and only use links to SBS controlled pages, with the exception of Kingdom and Duchy Discord servers ran by CoE players. As this is an unofficial part of the CoE Wiki, users are not restricted to aforementioned sources and links.
A template page is created for creation of new pages in this namespace: Template:County