A list of Player Duchies available within the World/s of Elyria.
Next to duchies the wiki also holds pages on Category:Player Kingdoms.
Pages in category "Player Duchies"
The following 137 pages are in this category, out of 137 total.
- Duchy of Dawnmire
- Duchy of Dragon's Cove
- Duchy of Drescuri
- Template:Duchy
- Duchy of Achlis
- Duchy of Acrium
- Duchy of Aerilon
- Duchy of Akayama
- Duchy of Amberlands
- Duchy of Aquitania
- Duchy of Ardolenor
- Duchy of Ashen
- Duchy of Ashira
- Duchy of Asébeia
- Duchy of Avaland
- Duchy of Azkhar
- Duchy of Aîlamos
- Duchy of Baxteria
- Duchy of Calador
- Duchy of Callambea
- Duchy of Dae Erath
- Duchy of Darkholm
- Duchy of Dawn's Throne
- Duchy of Draigh's Falzame
- Duchy of Drakeolm
- Duchy of Drayrien
- Duchy of Dresuri
- Duchy of Dugh Kahldur
- Duchy of Eldask
- Duchy of Emerald Bay
- Duchy of Evermist
- Duchy of Falzame
- Duchy of Feann
- Duchy of Ignis
- Duchy of Iyandolin
- Duchy of Kaga
- Duchy of Kaleria
- Duchy of Kathandriel
- Duchy of Krytan
- Duchy of Ksana
- Duchy of Kvasir
- Duchy of Lemuria
- Duchy of Ljón
- Duchy of Munzo
- Duchy of Orisha
- Duchy of Prismatia
- Duchy of Rhyddid
- Duchy of Sanctaphandri
- Duchy of Seidrellia
- Duchy of Skuldheim
- Duchy of Starhaven
- Duchy of Tenebrae
- Duchy of The Anemoi
- Duchy of The Haverlands
- Duchy of Thorne
- Duchy of Truria
- Duchy of Turadh
- Duchy of Tyr Nansur
- Duchy of Ulvemåne
- Duchy of Wessex
- Duchy of Wirtenberg
- Duchy of Wolfsden